Thursday, September 29, 2011

Watch out for those "healthy" yogurts

As far as I know, there aren't yogurts out there that are "bad" for you, but some are more nutritionally sound than others. I have a few that I really like, and I'm on the Greek yogurt kick now. There are some that I have decided to stop eating because of their high added sugar content.

Take a look at the yogurt you are eating, how many grams of sugar does it contain per serving? Does it have added sugars? A lot of low-fat and light yogurts have added sugars in them to make them taste better. Also look for higher protein and fiber content. Anything with more fiber and more protein will stick with you longer and keep you from getting so hungry in between meals. If you're counting calories, keep in mind that those with fruit and honey will have more sugar and calories, even if they are natural ones, so keep an eye out!

Some people don't like the taste of Greek yogurts, and there are some absolutely yucky tasting ones out there in my opinion. I suggest if you want to try something more nutritionally sound, try out a few, at different price points, and find what tastes suit you best. I have two or three I like and when one of them goes on sale, that's what I go with that week! Nutritious and frugal; that's a good combo if I do say so myself!

What kind of yogurts do you like? Share! My very favorite is Fage, followed by Oikos. I also like the Athenos brand. A tasty store brand is the carbmaster Kroger yogurt.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Worry IS bad for the waist

Most of us have experienced the worries and stresses that life brings. But chronic worry -- the everyday, chest-tightening, can't sleep at night kind -- can be bad for your health AND your waist. I recently read an article in the October 2011 issue of Shape Magazine called "When Weight Gain is a Warning" that talks about the connection between chronic stress and health problems.

According to the article, chronically stressed folks can suffer from high blood pressure and cholesterol in addition to weight gain. Chronic stress causes a surge in heart pumping adrenaline and cortisol. That can make your blood sugar levels spike and lead to weight gain because your body stores that extra sugar as fat.

So if you are like me and think stress and worry is only mental, take a second to really think about how you could be damaging your body. It's not easy to de-stress, especially in this day and age, but it's really an important part of minding your overall health!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Sweet Tooth Monster

One of my biggest diet pitfalls is sugar. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Ice Cream, Chocolate, cookies, cupcakes. I love them all. So when trying to cut sugar out of my diet, these are the obvious places to cut back. But we are a sweet tooth nation, it turns out. There are added sugars in all kinds of things we eat, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, and even crackers!

I just read an article in Women's Health, about hidden, added sugars and how they contribute to weight gain. Turns out we're eating more sugar than ever and less fat (yes some are good!) and protein. Added sugars (not the kind that occur naturally in foods like fruit or honey) started increasing in foods ironically during the "low-fat" trends that started in the 80s and 90s. Food manufactures began putting more sugars in foods to make them taste better when the fat content was decreased.

So are always read your labels and buy foods that you like that have lower sugar content. This WebMD article outlines American Heart Association guidelines for how much sugar you should have each day? How does your diet stack up?