Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Sweet Tooth Monster

One of my biggest diet pitfalls is sugar. I have a HUGE sweet tooth. Ice Cream, Chocolate, cookies, cupcakes. I love them all. So when trying to cut sugar out of my diet, these are the obvious places to cut back. But we are a sweet tooth nation, it turns out. There are added sugars in all kinds of things we eat, spaghetti sauce, ketchup, and even crackers!

I just read an article in Women's Health, about hidden, added sugars and how they contribute to weight gain. Turns out we're eating more sugar than ever and less fat (yes some are good!) and protein. Added sugars (not the kind that occur naturally in foods like fruit or honey) started increasing in foods ironically during the "low-fat" trends that started in the 80s and 90s. Food manufactures began putting more sugars in foods to make them taste better when the fat content was decreased.

So are always read your labels and buy foods that you like that have lower sugar content. This WebMD article outlines American Heart Association guidelines for how much sugar you should have each day? How does your diet stack up?

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